Donate to our Ministry

Your contributions make a huge difference.

When you invest financially in our ministry, you make it possible for us to offer a variety of resources, at no charge, through our website. You make it possible for us to offer our fee-based ministry services and products at reduced rates.

Your gift enables us to help all kinds of people (particularly but not exclusively women) grow and flourish in their faith. So we thank you for your generosity!

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The Unfolding Soul is a registered Oregon non-profit corporationĀ and is certified as tax-exempt by the IRS under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore, all financial gifts to our ministry are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

We will acknowledge your contribution by mailing you a receipt, which you should keep with your financial records.

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The minimum donation amount for digital contributions is $10.00